Dear Parents, Please note Nursery will be closed for the May Bank Holiday which is Monday 26th May. For our Preschool children who will be leaving us at the end of the summer to go onto their new adventure of school, in the next couple of weeks we will be putting up a list in reception, with the children’s name on. Please can Parents confirm which school they will be attending and their anticipated leaving date, this will be helpful for us to liaise with the school visits etc. and to arrange our “Leavers Graduation Day”.

Tick-Tock-Tick Spring has sprung and British Summer Times begins Sunday 31st March, so remember to put your clocks forward 1 hour on the evening of Saturday 30th March. Diary Dates Nursery Photography will be in on Tuesday 2nd April from 10.00am onwards. We are trying a new company this year called Tempest Photography. If your child does not attend on that date, there will be a will be a time slot list displayed on the notice board should you wish to attend. Nursery will be closed for Easter Holidays Friday 19th April – Monday 22nd April inclusive. Hopefully by then the weather may have made its’ mind up and we can all have a lovely break. Children’s Activities for March and April During the month of March, we have planned our activities around our British Saints days: St. David, St. Patrick and St. Georges Day.

Dear Parents, Our new website is now live and we now have a “Facebook page”, where we will be posting the children’s work for you to see and any forthcoming Diary dates to remind you. During January and February the nursery and pre-school children will be covering the following themes: · All about colours – recognising primary and secondary colours. Colour mixing and mark making · Bones - human skeleton making an interactive skeleton board As part of our Inclusion and Diversity for all our children, we will also be celebrating the Hindu festival of Makar Sankranti which is the 14th and 15th January . Makar Sankranti is the celebration of the sun’s journey into the Northern Hemisphere. To celebrate we will be making kites, along with hand printed bonfire to decorate our display board along with colourful rangoli patterned decorations, using coloured rice / flower petal etc. Meanwhile, the Baby Unit’s theme for January is Winter Wonder Land, snowflakes, snowmen, ice painting etc.

First of all, we would like to officially welcome Jasmine and Rhyannah who have joined our team. Jasmine will be supporting Sam and Amy in Nursery and Pre-school, and Rhyannah will be supporting Emily in the Baby Room. It is fast approaching the time to say “Goodbye” to our pre-school children, who will soon be leaving us to start their next new adventure of school. We will be holding a “Leavers Graduation Party” on Wednesday 29th August . We would like to wish you all a fond farewell from everyone at Inwood and we hope you have lots of fun, exciting times and make many more new friends at your new schools. Still ever the optimist that the summer has not disappeared after this weekend rain and wind! May we remind you to top up the sun creams and hats in the children’s bags as every opportunity to have the children outside in the garden area will be taken. Please also be aware there has been numerous children with rapid “High Temperatures” If your child is not well, please do not send them to nursery. If a child develops a high temperature at nursery, we will follow our normal procedures and ring you. Although we will issue Calpol if the needs arises, please be aware that High Temperatures can lead to Febrile convulsions and can have serious consequences. Over the next couple of months our themes will be:- Holidays / Transport and Road Safety Preparation of pre-schoolers “Readiness for School” If anyone has any queries or questions regarding nursery, please do not hesitate to either speak directly to myself or Sam at drop off or collection time. Otherwise you can email me directly at jan@inwoodnursery.com or telephone the nursery. Likewise any queries regarding 30 hours funding procedure or invoice/accounts, please email Mark at mark@inwoodnursery.com Kind regards Jan and team