Dear Parents,
Our new website is now live and we now have a “Facebook page”, where we will be posting the children’s work for you to see and any forthcoming Diary dates to remind you.
During January and February the nursery and pre-school children will be covering the following themes:
·All about colours – recognising primary and secondary colours. Colour mixing and mark making
·Bones - human skeleton making an interactive skeleton board
As part of our Inclusion and Diversity for all our children, we will also be celebrating the Hindu festival of Makar Sankranti which is the 14th and 15th January . Makar Sankranti is the celebration of the sun’s journey into the Northern Hemisphere. To celebrate we will be making kites, along with hand printed bonfire to decorate our display board along with colourful rangoli patterned decorations, using coloured rice / flower petal etc.
Meanwhile, the Baby Unit’s theme for January is
Winter Wonder Land, snowflakes, snowmen, ice painting etc.
Moving onto February, we will evolve the theme of “People / Animals we Love”, incorporating Valentine’s Day, (reminder for all you romantics Thursday 14th February.)
Yet again as part of Inclusion and Diversity for all our children, we will celebrate Chinese New Year (The year of the Pig) which is 5th February .
Winter Weather Warnings for the Next Couple of Months!!!!!!!!
If it’s not the floods, it will be Snow or we may be really lucky and
have none. We will endeavour to keep the Nursery open at all times, but
occasionally if the weather is too bad and Staff are unable to get through, we
will advise accordingly via facebook /emails/telephone calls and local radio.
You can always check via the nursery telephone number or Jan’s mobile number 07989295893 for verification.
If anyone has any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact either Jan or Sam.
Kind regards from the Team at Inwood Nursery.