Spring has sprung and British Summer Times begins Sunday 31st March, so remember to put your clocks forward 1 hour on the evening of Saturday 30th March.
Diary Dates
Nursery Photography will be in on Tuesday 2nd April from 10.00am onwards. We are trying a new company this year called Tempest Photography. If your child does not attend on that date, there will be a will be a time slot list displayed on the notice board should you wish to attend.
Nursery will be closed for Easter Holidays Friday 19th April – Monday 22nd April inclusive. Hopefully by then the weather may have made its’ mind up and we can all have a lovely break.
Children’s Activities for March and April
During the month of March, we have planned our activities around our British Saints days: St. David, St. Patrick and St. Georges Day.
We will display photos of the children’s work on our “closed face book group page”
March is a busy month of activities for the children:
· 5th March - Shrove Tuesday – Pancake Day
· 7th March - World Book Day – Please remember to dress up as a story character
· 15th March - Red Nose day – Pay £1.00 donation to dress in something red
· 31st March - Mothering Sunday Surprise
During the month of April, we will plan our activities around Spring, this will include;
· Spring planting and growing
· Easter Chicks
· Transformation of Frog Spawn to Tadpoles
· Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Cards
If at any time you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the nursery and speak to either Jan or Sam, or if it is in connection with invoices, please email Mark directly at mark@inwoodnursery.com
Kind regards
Everyone @ Inwood Nursery