Dear Parents,
We hope that everyone has enjoyed their summer holidays and still making the most of the sunshine whilst it still lasts and those who have siblings who started school this year have settled in well.
As we now approach the autumnal seasons, please could we remind Parents to bring in named coats and named “Wellie Boots” in order for the children to play outside.
The themes for October and November are:
Autumn / Halloween / Bonfire Night and Remembrance Day, Children in Need fund raising week.
We would therefore appreciate your help in collecting the following:
Monday 29th October – Friday 2nd November: We would like all the children to join us in dressing up in Halloween costumes for the week. We would ask a donation of £1.00 per child. This will go towards our Children In Need Fund Raising in November.
BONFIRE NIGHT:- Monday 5th November.
At Inwood, we will be having our traditional Bonfire Tea of hotdogs followed by our own Inwood Firework display for the children at approximately about 4.45pm – 5.00pm (weather dependant!!!!!)
If your child does not attend nursery on this day and you wish to see the fireworks, you are more than welcome to come along with them and stay for the firework display at 4.45pm.
MONDAY 12TH – 16TH NOVEMBER: It’s that time of year again where we will ask you to dig deep and support us in our fund raising week. We will be dressed in our PJ’s all week and invite the children to do the same and ask for a donation of £1.00. At the end of each day, there will be a cake sale, (so please don’t forget to bring funds). There will also be guess the number of sweets in the jar, guess the name of a cuddle toy, and a raffle something for everyone to have ago.
Time to apply for school places 2019:
We have been asked by North Somerset Council to make parents aware that now is the time to apply for school placement 2019 -2020. If your child was born between 1st September 2014 and 31st August 2015 they are eligible to start school in September 2019. You can apply on line via the North Somerset website. Applications open 12th September 2018 and close on 15th January 2019.
Advanced Warning!!!!!!!!!
A note for your diaries please.
Meanwhile if anyone has any queries, questions or ideas, please do not hesitate to either contact Jan (Manager) or Sam (Deputy Manager) at nursery or Mark for queries regarding invoices, change of hours etc. on email address:- mark@inwoodnursery.com
Kind regards from everyone at
Inwood Nursery Ltd.