We would like to say a very “BIG THANKYOU” AND “WELL DONE”
to everyone who helped raise £203.65 through our PJ week, cake sale, toy table top sale, raffle etc. for Children in Need this year.
December is a very busy and exciting time at nursery. The children are cutting, sticking, gluing and glittering lots of exciting gifts and surprises for you! – watch this space……….
Reminder:- the Children’s Christmas Party is Thursday 20th December 2.00pm – 4.30pm.
If you child does not
normally attend on a Thursday and you wish for them to attend the party, please
add their name to the list displayed on the notice board in reception.
We have party games, dancing, along with Molly Muddles the magic show and Santa visiting our Grotto, followed by the tea party.
Diary note:- Christmas holiday close down, Nursery will close at end of day Friday 21st December and will reopen on Wednesday 2nd January 2019.
We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy New Year and a very big thank you to you all for your support throughout the year.
Kind regards
From the team @ Inwood